
8 posts

AGM 2021

Update: Click the links to view the Chairs Report and the Treasurers report

As an Industrial and Provident Society, Ashton Hayes and Mouldsworth Community Shop LTD. is required to hold an Annual General Meeting for shareholders.

This will take place on Wednesday 25th August 2021. The meeting will be held at 7.30pm via zoom which can be accessed at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89642284246, Meeting ID: 896 4228 4246.

If you are unable to attend you are able to confirm whether you are happy with the Resolutions set out below by email to ljallman@btinternet.com in advance of the meeting.


  1. To receive accounts for the year ended 28 February 2021, copies to be tabled at the AGM.
  2. Treasurer’s Report.
  3. Chair’s Report.
  4. Applications for donations
  5. Resolution 1 – Application of profit for the year to 28 February 2021. The shop Committee proposes a donation of a total of £4900 from Profit generated in 2020/2021 to specific projects that will benefit the community of Ashton Hayes and Mouldsworth. Applications for donations have been received from:
    • St Johns Church, Ashton Hayes
    • Ashton Hayes Sports and Recreation Association
    • Ashton Hayes School PTFA
    • ASHWORTH Timebank
    • Ashton Hayes And Mouldsworth Village Hall
  1. Resolution 2 – Election of members to the Management Committee.
  2. Re-appointment of Accountants
  3. Any other business